Saturday, June 02, 2007

The dust bowl

Do you remember the Little House on the Prairie episode where Mary was getting ready to marry Adam? They were such a nice couple, teaching blind kids, working together every day. Then at the last minute Mary backs out because she is afraid she will not be able to be a good mother since she can't see. Then a dust storm blows in and everything gets covered in dust. Then Adam and Mary must work together to save a little blind girl that wonders off in the storm and they know they can find her because they are used to not being able to see and they do work together and find her. In the end Adam and Mary get married in a small ceremony in a room completely covered in dust, all their clothes covered in dust. (I bet that made the wedding night interesting since the beds were all covered in dust too) Do you get were I am going here? I just mowed our yard. It hasn't rained here for so long that our yard is dying. I just mowed it because a few weeds were still living and trying to grow. I drove through dust so much that my eyes still hurt and I am still blowing it out of my nose. Oh we have been teased plenty of times. DD and I went into town the other day and when we left it was lightening and thundering and the sky was black. We put everything up and closed up the windows because it was going to rain. We got to town and it was raining so hard there was water running down the street. We came home to a dry dusty yard. A couple of hours ago it was thundering again and superhubby and I decided to mow quick before the rain....same story again, no rain. We do have rain forecast for the next few days and I am crossing my fingers because I am tired of carrying water to the watermelon and tomato plants.
PS. I also went ahead and topped the pool up from where the kids had splashed the water out because that usually makes it rain buckets!


Anonymous said...

Frank was out mowing our weeds today, too. I'd do it but, uh, ya know - the sore arm and all. What a shame, eh? I got to sit inside, safe from the dust storm.

Boatwoman said...

Ohhhhhh my. I remember The Little House on the prarie and that very episode. I used to love that program. I wish it was on DVD because I would buy the lot.
I would send rain your way if I could, last week we had way to much. I really hope you get some rain soon, mowing weeds and dirt is no fun at all.
Have a good weekend...

kim-d said...

Not to be too much of a smart-aleck, but we got rain...after having a BEAUTIFUL day for a garage sale...and my yard is looking pretty darn healthy. Just thought I'd share. That's what friends are for, right? :)