Thursday, August 30, 2007
Everyday is Halloween at the Myers household
Tonight I ventured out to Walmart alone. This wasn't a good thing to do because I immediately felt sorry for myself, so sorry that I bought myself a bag of caramels, a package of pumpkin peeps, a new nickleback cd and a package of double A batteries.
Don't even go there people, just don't.
The Perfect Storm
I have been a good girl this week and haven't been to Huntington, WV. for 3 days. I'm on my way to Walmart but I am going to Kentucky because it is a little closer. I'm starting to feel a little sad though....but the weekend is almost here and DS will visit or we will visit him this weekend and all will be good again.
Tuesday, August 28, 2007
Because Kim said to
Saturday, August 25, 2007
Today for some reason I have missed my Grandma Wood more than I have for a long time. She was a wonderful, patient person who never said a bad thing about anyone. She was my Sunday School teacher for years after my grandpa died and though she never went to college she was one of the smartest people I know. She could take a map and tell you anything you wanted to know about the bible and where it happened. She read continuously. When she died there were thousands of books at her home and they weren't just well read. She made notes on the pages and inside the covers so you know what she was thinking when she was reading those books. It was a great gift to us to read what she did and know what she thought. She also loved to write. She wrote poems often and for Christmas she would write her annual Christmas poem and send it in cards handwritten. One of my favorites...
My Christmas Poem
There is a kind of stillness
in old Barns
That's just the same within
A church's door
Before the organ peals
or people pray
Or parson-or a teacher-
Takes the floor.
And dust-mites rise in
rays of sunbeams there
Instead of colored rays of
stain-glass light.
And creatures come to take
their daily bread
Then endure patiently
their daily plight.
And so I wish with
coming of this year
(and it will come, it's joys
and its alarm's)
That in your heart you
will be feeling much
The stillness that's in
churches and old barns.
Friday, August 24, 2007
Friday randomness
I went to work at my normal time and settled in for a nice day taking care of the sweet little boy I get to take care of on Wednesdays and Fridays. His mom called the doctors office to see about some medicine since he had been on some antibiotics for awhile and was now finished and not feeling quite up to par yet. The doctor decided she wanted to see him.....In Huntington......a few blocks from DS's apartment. We drove past DS's on the way to the doctors and that was enough for me. We went to the doctors and she decided he needed to spend a night at the hospital just so they could do a few tests to see what was bugging him. We had planned on that possibility so that wasn't a big problem. We loaded him back up (and trust me that is no easy thing for us or the poor little guy) and took him to the hospital. That left me in Huntington with no car. I called SH and he was getting off work soon so he came to the hospital and picked me up but he had a bunch of cookies with him. He sometimes gets free cookies because part of the place he works rents trucks to a company that delivers cookies. So off to DS's apartment to deliver some cookies to him. You knew it was coming didn't you?
Tonight I think DS is coming out here to stay all night so I am planning to cook for him and SH after while.
DD went to the high school football game so she will be here later. I got her a birthday cake last night but she didn't get home until 1AM and didn't start on it then so we have dessert.
Monkling.....the only thing I remember DD saying when she got home from the Reds game last night was that it was AWESOME. I know she had called me a few times to tell me her legs were on tv and her boyfriend had caught a baseball and a t-shirt.
Thursday, August 23, 2007
Even more randomness
SH has this thing with stuff. He lives for his stuff. He loves flea markets and anywhere else he can buy stuff cheap. He is cleaning out his building and organizing. This is just ONE example of too much stuff. This isn't even all of the hammers the man owns. He has a bunch in the garage and some in his car.........Anyone need a nail pounded into their walls?
We went back to his place and shared a chicken dinner and then I came home. In the middle of all of this DD (who turns 17 today) called and someone at school had given her and a friend 4 tickets to the Reds game for TONIGHT. The game starts in 3 hours and she still hasn't found out if they are going to get to go and it is a 3 hour drive. Life is stressful for teenagers. She wants to go so bad but her b/f who took off work early to spend some time with her doesn't really want to go. She doesn't want to go without him since he took off work...etc. etc. I think I am going to get a headache before the night is over.
Wednesday, August 22, 2007
Ok.....I can't lie
Last night DS and I had a nice chat on here and I assured him his room was always his and he could come back anytime. That made him feel so much better because the night before he had been miserable moving his stuff....I love that boy!
Monday, August 20, 2007
Feelings, Oh Oh Oh feelings
I've been a little "out of it" lately. I'm not keeping up with blogs and definitely not keeping up with my little caringbridge friends. I am trying to deal with DS moving out, when I know he isn't ready and I really know I'm not. I am trying to be the helpful happy mom in all of this and I know his apartment is very near SH's job so he can stop by whenever he wants to check. He is also only a 35 minute drive from home so I can run up there once in a while and see how he is doing. He swears he will be home all the time but I remember when I moved out of my parents home, I didn't go back any more than I had to for quite a while. I did fine until I went to his room a little while ago and started packing his clothes for him....for some reason that hit home more than anything. He has stayed up there the last few nights but most of his stuff was still here. Crap....I gotta go try to look happy before he gets here.
The weather here is horrible. Temperature in the 90's, dewpoint in the upper 70's. I think we will end up with a storm tonight which is fine as long at it leaves my electric on.
Saturday, August 18, 2007
Saturday happenings
Anniversary celebrations
I took a shower a little while ago and while I was drying my hair SH mentioned that I need a haircut. I just laughed because I got a few weeks ago when he was on vacation. He was here when I left and when I got back....he just doesn't notice things. Gotta love him anyway;-)
Anniversary pictures later!.............JUST KIDDING GIRLS.
22 years
Happy Anniversary SH! I'm so glad I found you.
Tuesday, August 14, 2007
More randomness
Random thought #2 - Sunset at Jackson lake last night was beautiful even if I watched it from shore while SH and DD went fishing in the boat. I actually elected to stay ashore and take pictures because we had just come back from Bennigans and I was afraid I would sink the boat after all I have eaten in the last few days. Deep fried mushrooms, deep fried broccoli bites and a Monte Cristo sandwich( which is deep fried) at Bennigans alone. I actually just had a few appetizers and only half the sandwich which is still huge. I still can't figure out why my gall bladder isn't trying to get out by itself. I want to go back to Bennigans again, but I probably had better wait few weeks, or months.
Sunday, August 12, 2007
A house for B's dolls
Here are a few pictures, but pictures in a garage at 6AM just don't seem to do it justice.
Done and delivered (part 3)
Part 2
What a day
My day went downhill quick when we were leaving my mothers this evening and I told my niece to give me a hug because she would be in bed when I brought the dollhouse back and I wouldn't see her again for awhile. She proceeded to hug me from behind while burying her face in my lower back. I could feel her shaking as she was trying to not burst into tears. I finally got her to let me sit down and she climbed on my lap and started crying. She begged me to let her stay here. She said she could reverse her usual routine and go stay with her dad at Christmas and summer and she knew her mom would move here if she wanted to stay here. I tried everything to get her to want to go home. "B, you have soccer practice starting Monday." "I don't like soccer I like it here with you and grandma." B, your dad will miss you." "I'll go see him sometimes I just want to stay here and go to school here." I know she will be so happy to see her mom and dad, she just really enjoys the more laid back lifestyle here. Needless to say by the time I left there I was in tears too. My mother and I kept her every day for the first year of her life because her mother had to work long hours and when she up and moved to NJ when B was a little over a year old it about killed both of us.
The day only got better when we got home because DD asked if she could go out on the river with her BF and two other couples after the reunion tomorrow. I told her I didn't like the idea and told her to talk to her father. BIG MISTAKE. He never tells her no. I just knew that when he heard that she wanted to go out with a bunch of 18-21 year old kids on a river that has a bad reputation for drownings because of the horrible current and the amount of alcohol usually drunk by boaters he would say no. I was so wrong. "will they be drinking?" No daddy. "Will you wear your life jacket/" Yes. "OK" Of course the boys will be drinking, thats what they do on the river. They will also tie inner tubes on the back of the boat and try to throw each other off by seeing how fast they can go in the wake from the barges. I think I am going to be sick.
Well it is almost 1:30 so I had better go help SH. I will post pictures of the finished house soon. Have a great Sunday.
Friday, August 10, 2007
My vacation....or not
We also bought a breaker box and breakers at lowes because another little old lady called in a panic because some of their renters were blowing fuses every day and she was having to buy them so she needs a new box in there pronto. Tomorrow looks like we finish one house and if we can get the electric company to pull the meter try to install that in the other house.
Now when I married SH I knew he wasn't Mr. Romantic, but he likes me to go with him because that is "spending time together" to him. But by about 3PM this afternoon I didn't want anyone within smelling distance of me and I didn't want to be too near SH;-)
Wednesday, August 08, 2007
SH's vacation
The heat is on
I am working today and then trying to take the next two days off to spend with SH. I have a few day trips planned, but it is so hot out that fishing or anything he would enjoy is going to be hard to do. Yesterday evening my niece and I floated around the pool for a couple of hours and that was about the extent of our outside time.
I'm headed to work, I hope you all stay in and stay cool today.
Tuesday, August 07, 2007
Saturday, August 04, 2007
Love those contests
Friday, August 03, 2007
As it should be
My dear son got his first real paycheck today. He has had minimum wage jobs before where his paycheck would be 150.00 every two weeks, sometimes double that at the holidays. This is his first serious and better paying job. He was looking forward to this paycheck, the big bucks he would make. This check for 2 weeks of training was going to be around 700.00 and life would be good. He was going to check into the price of his own apartment, take his girlfriend out to a nice restaurant, live the good life. Then he got his check and the government got his check and he was shocked. How did a 723.00 check become a 525.00 check? SH and I had tried to warn him that what you make and what you get are two completely different things. It is a tough lesson to learn but one you must learn at some point. He is still taking his girlfriend out to a nice place tomorrow to make up for the last few months of dating a broke young man.
I ended up at wal mart again today. The people I take care of always send me to wal mart and I have been there 4 times this week. Today I was in line behind another woman with quite a few kids. She had 6 kids and the oldest couldn't have been more than 8. I remember taking my 2 when they were young and while they were well behaved it was still tiring to shop and keep an eye on 2 kids. This ladies kids were very well behaved and I almost stopped her to tell her how well behaved her kids were but I thought she might think I was odd. I don't know why I am noticing these people and their kids lately, maybe still part of that slowly emptying nest thing.
Thursday, August 02, 2007
This morning at 4:50 someone decided it would be funny to call our house and wake us up. Any phone call at that time of the morning is scary to me, I'm always sure something is really wrong. The only thing wrong this time was someones teenage boys had been drinking a little too much and had too much time on their hands. My husband shares his name with a famous horror movie villain. These boys found the name in the phone book and called and started the conversation when DD and I both picked up phones by screaming "get the fu** out of that house." I promptly hung up, but DD took the phone to SH because they were screaming his name. When SH asked what they wanted they then explained where they would stick his phone for him. He then hung up, but it was too late and we were awake. 5AM also happens to be the time the guy who rides to work with our nearest neighbor shows up at his house. SH heard his truck and thought someone was here so we just got up. Of course by the time I got ready for work SH was snoring on the couch. I did get to work early and wasn't too affected by the 4 and a half hours of sleep I did get. I took a nap after work but that, as usual, gave me a raging headache.
I haven't seen SH alone or spent time with him this entire week. I stopped by his little old woman's after work and helped him for half an hour before he went to work. He informed me while I was there that I had better be awake tonight(-; I think poor SH is getting lonely too. The good news, next week he is on VACATION. Yes I said it, but not out loud. We are trying to keep a low profile with the whole vacation thing because if little old ladies get a whiff of days off all hell will break loose and he will be working harder than if he went to work. We have no real plans, but hope to at least get to go camping a few days. The temperature here was in the 90's today and supposed to climb to near 100 in the next week. I still have to work because I get no paid vacation, but I plan on taking a few days off to spend with my family.
My big plans for this weekend involve a haircut and a little highlighting to cover those few gray strands that are cropping up with persistence lately. I guess I should be happy I am just getting a few gray hair, which in the big scheme of things doesn't even count. Don't forget to stop by and leave a little love for whymommy...
Today when I was at Wal*mar* I was in line behind a woman whose patience was stretched thin. She had 2 children walking beside her, ages approximately 4 and 6. She had 2 little boys in the buggy that I assume were twins and looked to be about 2 and she had a baby in a carrier in the basket of the buggy that couldn't have been more than 6 months old. The walma*ts here have moved pregnancy test to the pharmacy and one certain check out line for when the pharmacy was closed. That poor woman had to ask for a pregnancy test. If I would have had my camera I would have taken a picture of the checkout clerks face, and mine. I try not to judge other peoples decisions about their families but I just about burst out laughing at the check out girls face. It was priceless.
Have a great Friday!