Saturday, May 19, 2007

Who done it?

The the dining room

The suspects.....

1. Leiko- Leiko is the sneaky one of bunch. He can get over any retaining wall we put up to keep him in the kitchen. He looks up to the Easter Bunny and has been known to hide his own little Easter Egg equivalents in peoples bedrooms. He stands about 11 inches tall and has a distinguishing white mark on his forehead. He is the bully of the bunch being so much bigger than the other dogs. His back legs work like springs that will propel him over anything.

2. Daisy- The only female of the bunch she has been known to be the brainy one. When someone (me) tries to get them in the slammer (their kennel) she doesn't fall for the tricks like the other two. You can put treats in there and the other two run in as fast as they can and she will sit and look at you with this look that says "those idiots." Daisy is a little more aloof than the other two and while she loves to be loved on she will turn her back on you and walk away if she isn't in the mood to cuddle. Daisy figured out early on that if she doesn't want to go in the house she can get under a car or picnic table and I can't get to her. She also understands that we large people can't run fast and she can.

3. Buddy- the little guy "nerd" of the bunch. Buddy has a shy bladder so when I take him outside to use the potty he looks at me like he is trying to say "PEOPLE CAN SEE ME OUT HERE" and conveniently waits until we get back in the relative privacy of the house to go. He isn't the pretty boy of the bunch, he has an unfortunate coloring of black fur with a layer of tan fur underneath. From any more than 4 feet away he looks like a dog with a severe case of the mange because the tan hair makes him look bald underneath. He is a lover not a fighter and would rather cuddle than fight but being the little guy of the bunch he gets picked on quite often. He wants a pocket protector but has no pocket to put it in.

If you see any of these suspects please rub their bellies and that will completely immobilize them until the cops get there to question them.


katy said...

Ok I think I fixed the comments thing...I'm trying this to make sure. Thanks for the comment Kim and I am sorry you had to put it on the last post!

kim-d said...

Katy--I just HAVE to keep coming back to look at the "kids"! Awww...they are just so cute. I still cannot, however, believe that any of them could produce THAT...What are you feeding them, anyway? HAHAHA! And thanks again for the help with the comment problem. Totally took care of it! How's DD doing, and DH and DS, too?

kim-d said...

Hehehe..."just looking" huh? When you get back, drop me a note and let me know what you got, okay? HAHAHA! You know you will....Gotta love a DH who tells you that you deserve it! Mine used to do the same thing. Yup, they're the BEST! Have fun!

Ann Marie said...

Oh that is too funny! My sister and I both have murderous dogs.. (one chewed her sheep up and mine chewed the heart out of his favorite toy) we both did post on those and did a complete CSI thing on the sheepie murder.

Nice to meet you by the way..

kim-d said...

HAHAHAHA...again! Words--it's all just a matter of words :)! The bottom line, my friend, is you need to tell me all about your new camera that you DID NOT get when you were out yesterday...HAHAHA! Whenever, however...GOOD FOR YOU, and I really do wanna hear all about it. Wait until you see Ree's photos today. Lovely!

kim-d said...


My friend, you just GOTTA get rid of the picture of The World's Biggest Turd that Could Not Have Come From Any of Those Three Little Cuties. I stand by what I said before about a large dog sneaking in...