Wednesday, January 02, 2008

Too good to be true

I knew it was too good to be true. To make it through all of those holiday parties without getting the Wo*d family Christmas plague of 07....need I say more, other than mine seems to be easier than the other ones...if there is such a thing as easier. Be back when I can sit here more than 2 minutes without running to the bathroom......


Anonymous said...

Well at least I know you didn't get that from me. On the other hand, if I get it, I can blame you.

Seriously - feel better. That thing took out half my family.

Kellan said...

Oh, sorry Katy - I hope you feel better soon. Kellan

kim-d said...

Oh no, Katy--I thought we got you through it! Now, you remember what happened the last time YOU got sick right? Well, this time I refuse to show my sympathy for the Wo*d family by getting THIS crud! But, look on the bright side...all that Christmas chocolate you ate? GONE. :)

kimmy said...

I hope you feel better soon. We had something going around the house this past week too. Hopefully I can avoid it...


Family Adventure said...

Hey, I just saw on Kim's website that your daughter is not well. I hope she feels better soon!


Wonderful World of Weiners said...

Came over from Kim's blog - keeping your daughter in my thoughts.
