Thursday, January 11, 2007

New years resolutions

Ok, so I admit it, I don't really make resolutions anymore. Why sit and promise things to yourself that you are not really going to do and make yourself a complete liar? I have thought about some things that I would like to do this year, but that will be my only promise to myself, that at some time this year I will make an effort to try a few new things.
The first thing I would like to try to to get healthier. I don't want to swear I am going to walk miles every day, or even that I will never eat sugar or chocolate because let's be realistic..........Not going to happen. I might as well promise myself that I will give up breathing, or some other important thing.
The second thing I would like to do is get my life organized. For me that comes under the same thing as never eating sugar, not going to happen, but I could do a few small things to help. I found out years ago that I have some major ADD problems and organization is a completely foreign word to me. I can look at people houses that have it all together and I can not for the life of me figure out how they do it. This year I would like to get a few things straightened out and make my house a little nicer and less embarrassing for my daughter to bring her friends home to. My husband and I built this house ourselves and I love it, I just can't keep it clean.
The third thing I would like to do is to get out and do some things with other people. I have a few friends but I stay pretty well self contained in work and my family. I love it that way, but my kids are getting older and soon I will have to do something different. I always went to ballgames and sat with my daughter but lets face facts here, she is 16, the only reason I should be at ballgames is to hold out dollar bills when she walks by on her way to the concession stand. She always graciously asks if I want to go, but it is easier to stay home and just hand her money on her way out the door, but I really love to watch basketball and football games.
I guess to sum up this long rambling post............Happy New year to all and may this be the best year yet!

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