I thought I would share a few more pictures from DD's dance Saturday night. They had such a fun time. This is part of their little group that stayed on one side of the gym and had fun. There were about 8 people in their group. The rest of the kids stayed on the other side of the gym and sat at tables. They danced a few slow dances but nothing else. I would have been one of those kids on the other side of the gym but these kids just won't bother to go if they aren't going to dance the night away. They never played the YMCA song, yet they were doing it in this picture.

They must have never sat down the entire evening. They also love pictures.

Last year at this time I was playing mommy to these cute little fellows. My dog had gotten pregnant when I accidentally left her outside a few extra minutes.(she was fixed after giving birth) She was NOT meant to have puppies. She gave birth to the first one here at home, grabbed it by the head and tried to shake it to death and then tried to bury it under some clothes. She refused to have any more after SH and I rescued the first one and brought it back to life so after about 5 hours of trying we took her to the vet who forced her to give birth. The vet wanted us to let her have them and make her take care of them herself. The vet was wrong and even she was shocked when my dog tried to kill each puppy as it was born. Needless to say these puppies were bottle fed and washed by hand every few hours. I did, after a few days, get my dog to calm down enough to let me hold the puppies up to her to feed a few minutes at a time. She shook and cried the entire time until they got to be about 3 weeks old and then I think she realized it felt better to let them get that milk out of her. She never actually liked them until they were much older.
I stayed home from work today. It was snowy and slick this morning and this is my short day at work. By the time the snow started melting I didn't feel it was worth the 35 minutes to and from work to work a couple of hours. I also think I may be getting sick. Not sure why I think that but I just want to sleep. I hope I'm just super tired of this weather and not getting sick. I'm sure I should know by tomorrow. Have a good day everyone...see ya soon.
Okay, that whole dog story? I did not know dogs could do that. And this dancing stuff - yeah, let's not even talk about that I can't even do that whole YMCA thing without getting confused.
Such fun pictures of your daughter at the dane - how cute are they?! And, I'll keep Jophie in my prayers!
That puppy story is crazy! Those poor puppies and poor mama being so confused. I'm glad you were able to take care of all of them and that she finally accepted them - they are so cute!
Have a good evening Katy - see you soon. Kellan
Oh Katy, that was all happening with the babies when we were just first getting to know each other!!! And I love all of those dance pix, but that's cause I love DD and her "crew." HAHA! I really hope you're not getting sick. Just like I hope I'm not getting sick. Headachey and tired on this end...the last time I got very sick, weren't you sick first? Oh no. Say it isn't so! I am glad you stayed home today.
By the way, I didn't win a jackpot. Must have been that bad karma. If I had won, we'd all be meeting up for a little party.
I've been told I'm not allowed to get sick because I don't have time to be sick. I still have way too much going on to be sick. So far it has worked. Therefore, I will tell you - you are not allowed to get sick.
Well? Did The Monkling Edict on Non-Sickness work? Are you back to being your perky self? HA!
Okay...now that SH is running around in his underwear, are you NOW feeling perkier? Or just him? BWAHAHAHAHA!
The dragging the sneaks and phones onto the couch? Too cute!!
Love stories like this....
Good Sunday Morning, Katy. I just love coming here to gaze upon the puppies and Koko surrounded by her shoes...awwww!
Ya know what, Katy? I adore you, too. I really do, even though I never say it to you. I love that you share your family with me, because that makes me very, very happy. You KNOW how much I adore DD; I truly love the girl, and it is an honor for me that you are willing to share her. Because of you and DD and her crew, and SH and DS and even Koko, my life is so much happier. So, thank you.
Now I must get back to planning the many ways I will be photographing the wienies, in order to share with the blogosphere. BWAHAHAHA!
Wow, amazing! just wandered over from the blog party! :)
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