Sunday, February 17, 2008

Sunday stuff

A few days ago we had snow, hungry birds and bitterly cold temperatures. This Presidents day marks the 5th (I think) anniversary of the biggest ice storm I have ever seen. Eight days with no electricity and a house full of teenagers. This year February has been cold with a few small snows that have never amounted to much. The birds act like any little snow is going to be the death of their entire species and they start looking in the windows if I don't keep their feeder full. I like to feed them and watch them so I don't mind.

The weather the last few days has been much more to my liking. If the sun would shine for more than 2 minutes between rain showers I would be much happier but you can't have it all.

The last time I listened to our weather the weatherman was predicting snow for tomorrow again. I guess I need to go fill up the birdfeeder and get my camera back out.
DD is looking forward to her homecoming dance next weekend. She never gets too excited about them but this time she is.......very excited. It could have something to do with the smile she gets on her face when the phone rings or when her date for next weekend pops up on the internet. I've tried to get a picture of that smile but I'm never in the right place at the right time. I'm sure next weekend I will get quite a few pictures.....and I will share, of course.

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