Saturday, February 23, 2008

Tonight, I celebrate....

Tonight is winter homecoming at my daughters school. She is really excited and can not wait to put on her red dress and go dance the evening away. She is going to the dance with a boy she really enjoys spending time with so this dance should be the best so far. Hair and makeup will be done by DD and myself so look out for pictures later or tomorrow.
The prom is coming up in 7 weeks. Hair and makeup for that will be done by someone who will charge me the equivalent of a new car payment (maybe not quite) but it needs to be done by someone outside of this house or we may end up in a crying match. It is amazing to me the amount of nerves and excitement these young girls have over something so simple as a dance. I have to clean house now because after the dance some kids are coming here to hang out.....and we couldn't stand to have any mess at all. Wish me luck!

1 comment:

Kellan said...

How exciting - I'm excited for her!! I'll bet she looked beautiful and I hope she has the best night ever!!

You story on my post about you and son wrapped in blankets and looking at stars and crying - brought tears to my eyes. I don't want that day to come, but I know it will. You sound like a great mom Katy!

Have a good evening - Kellan